Test a password

20  (0 bits)
Status Additions More info Min Count Factor Rating
Basic Requirements   6 0 0 0
Character count: Normal   0 0 0 0
Character count: Recommended   0 0 0 0
Lowercase Letters 0 0 0 0
Uppercase Letters 0 0 0 0
Numeric characters 0 0 0 0
Symbol characters 0 0 0 0
Middle Numeric characters 0 0 0 0
Middle Symbol characters 0 0 0 0
Status Deductions More info Max Count Factor Rating
Repeated characters   0 0 0 0
Consecutive Lowercase   0 0 0 0
Consecutive Uppercase   0 0 0 0
Consecutive Numbers   0 0 0 0
Consecutive Symbols   0 0 0 0
Sequential Letters 0 0 0 0
Sequential Numbers 0 0 0 0
Sequential Symbols 0 0 0 0
Mirrored Sequence 0 0 0 0
Repeated Sequence 0 0 0 0
Keyboard Patterns 0 0 0 0
Year Patterns 0 0 0 0
Common Words 0 0 0 0


This web site does not transfer data to any server.
The application runs strictly in your web browser.
The metrics about your passwords are based on best practices.
They are just recommendations and do not guarantee that your password is really un-crackable.

You shouldn't test your real passwords here, rather test look-alikes.
View or download the source code from GitHub.


Exceeds rule standards
Passes rule
Close to Failing (deductions) or Passing (additions) this rule
Fails this rule